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Cũ 09-06-2012, 10:20 AM
sales sales đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 151
Mặc định Bệnh viện 108 chuẩn bị lắp máy CT 120 slices - Toshiba Aquilion One

Hệ thống quảng cáo

Aquilion ONE: World’s first dynamic volume CT system

Helical and multislice imaging built great milestones in the history of CT. Aquilion ONE offers the next leap forward in CT technology that will revolutionize patient care. Clinicians have long dreamed of being able to acquire isotropic volumes of an entire organ with a single rotation of the gantry. This leap is possible only with Toshiba's Aquilion ONE, the only scanner with a 320-row detector.
The ability to acquire the entire organs with one volume scan opens the door to new diagnostic possibilities. The neuro ONE protocol allow acquisition of multiple low-dose volume scans of the entire brain during contrast infusion to provide whole brain perfusion and whole brain dynamic vascular analysis in one examination. Dynamic volumetric acquisition protocols can also be used to review moving joint structures in 3D, providing new clinical applications for orthopaedic imaging.
For cardiac examinations, the entire heart can be captured in as little as one rotation for coronary analysis, or over a single heartbeat to include complete functional diagnosis. Each reconstructed 3D volume represents exactly the same phase of the coronary arteries with homogenous contrast enhancement
Faster results, lower dose
The wide coverage provided by the 16 cm wide area detector enables scanning of most of the organs within one rotation, eliminating the need for helical scanning which in turns lowering the dose dramatically. An entire organ can be captured at one time, resulting in ultrafast scan times, which allows the contrast medium dose and exposure dose to be reduced.

Clinical benefits
Apart from this dramatic dose reduction, there is another important aspect:: cardiac arrhythmia or heart rates up to 130 bpm are no longer an issue as opposed to helical an multislice CT. Online assessment of the imaged RR-interval by the software of the new CT unit ensures that image reconstruction can proceed as planned.

Additionally, if the patient experienced an unexpected extrasystole or if there is insufficient data of one image for artefact-free reconstruction, the scanner will automatically image one additional heartbeat in the same fashion and without any noticeable time-delay.
Learn more about the Aquilion™ ONE - Functions and our CT Technologies.
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Cũ 09-06-2012, 10:20 AM
kavina kavina đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 138
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108 à. Cái này nghe lâu rồi. Chắc sắp lắp thui. Vì nghe nói con này tiêu của 108 số tiền khủng (công ty em ko dám chơi vì ko chịu được). Khoảng 3 tháng nữa 108 cũng có thêm một con Chụp mạch Philips mới nữa.
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Cũ 09-06-2012, 10:20 AM
officeacc officeacc đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 130
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Mình cũng dính dáng nhiều với Philips nhưng không phải là thành viên của philips. Còn biết về 108 là do lang thang trong đó như cơm bữa nên biết chút chút.
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Cũ 09-06-2012, 10:20 AM
takyco takyco đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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2 vị vdngoc và lapa banana qua đăng ký ọp line rồi gặp nhau bàn luận thêm cho nó máu nhé
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